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Bill Goldberg

Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg
First place on the Earth: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA  (USA)
date: 27 Dec 1966
Height: 6' 2'' (1.88 metres) height.
Age: 58 years.
Worked like:Actor.
Play Roles:32
First work:1998 - Love Boat: The Next Wave
Last was:012 - Holly, Jingles and Clyde 3D.

Bill Goldberg mini bio:

William Scott Goldberg was born on 27th December 1966 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is a professional wrestler. He appeared in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) from 1997 – 2001. He joined World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) from 2003-2004. He is friend with Japanese wrestlers Nobuhiko Takada and Naoya Ogawa. As a result, he made a number of appearances in the japansese Wrestling events. He used to run the largest mixed martial arts facility in Atlanta. However, he later shut it down because he had no time to manage it. He maintained a vegetarian diet. He fought with Chris Jericho in the back stage in 2003. He is listed in the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in 2010. He played as an inmate in the episode, My Heart Belongs to Daddy in Desperate Housewives. He appeared in a number of films including Universal Soldier: The Return (1999), Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003), Kill Speed (2007), Minkow (2010), and Holly, Jingles and Clyde 3D (2010).


Bill Goldberg images:

Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg:
Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg:
Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg:
Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg:
Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg:

WWE 2k14 (2013)
WWE 2k14 (2013)
WWE: Goldberg - The Ultimate Collection (2013)
WWE: The Very Best of WCW Monday Nitro, Vol. 2 (2013)

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