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Rodrigo Santoro

Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro
First place on the Earth: Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  (Brazil)
date: 22 Aug 1975
Height: 6' 2'' (1.87 metres) height.
Awards 10 wins & 8 nominations.
Age: 48 years.
Worked like:Actor, Soundtrack.
Play Roles:45
First work:1993 - Olho no Olho
Last was:013 - The Last Stand.

Rodrigo Santoro mini bio:

Rodrigo Santoro

Rodrigo Santoro is known as a Brazilian actor famous for his smart and cute looks among the audience. He has won many awards for his work both as a villain and hero. His work was appreciated by both the jury and critics. He became famous as an actor from the film Warner Bros 300. This film broke all previous records and made a path of his bright career. After that he worked in many films like Che, Lion’s Den, I Love You Phillip Morris and others. After Warner Bros he was able to gain the attention of public by working on Lost as Paulo.

A look over his awards tells that he had won more than 8 Best Actor Award. His first ever award is for his role as a young man tortured by his parents. After that Rodrigo Santoro’s career graph increased and led him to gain more and more success.


Rodrigo Santoro images:

Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro:

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