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Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster
First place on the Earth: Los Angeles, California, USA  (USA)
date: 19 Nov 1962
Height: 5' 3'' (1.61 metres) height.
Awards Won 2 Oscars. and 39 wins & 20 nominations.
Age: 61 years.
Worked like:Actress, Producer, Director, Soundtrack, Thanks.
Play Roles:76
First work:1968-1970 - Mayberry R.F.D
Last was:2013 - Elysium.

Jodie Foster mini bio:

Jodie Foster is a producer, film director and American actress. Foster started acting at the age of just three, and rose to fame at the age of just 13 in the film Taxi Driver 1976 as the preteen prostitute Iris, for that she got a nomination for the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award. She also received the Best Actress Academy Award in the 1989, for performing a rape fatality in The Accused. In the year 1991, she performed in The Silence of the Lambs, getting international applause and her second Best Actress Academy Award. She also got her 4th nomination for Academy Award for playing a recluse in the Nell. Her best-famous work comprises Contact, Carnage and The Brave One. Foster made their debut in director field in year 1991 with Little Man Tate; she even directed the movies The Beaver and Home for the Holidays. Besides to their two Academy Awards, she also has received three Golden Globe Awards, three BAFTA Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award and the Cecil B DeMille Award.


Jodie Foster images:

Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster:

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