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Steve Perry

Steve Perry
Steve Perry
First place on the Earth:
date: 18 Dec 1944
Awards 2 wins.
Age: 80 years.
Worked like:Director, Actor, Producer, Editor, Composer.
Play Roles:138
First work:1981 - Death Shock
Last was:011 - On the Ropes.

Steve Perry mini bio:

Simon Lindsay Honey is an American Actor born on October 17, 1915 in Harlem, New York City. He started his acting career at the age of 17, and in this short span of time, he has actually achieved a great deal of recognition and now currently has a big resume of commercially successful stage plays. Initially he starred in some short films, but with the amazing acting skills- he grabbed the attention of big stage plays houses. The successes of short films lead to his big debut in Broadway, after which he constantly went up in stage plays industry. In the short span of his career, he has acted in big production stage plays like They Too Arise, An Enemy of the People, A Memory of Two Mondays, The Creation of the World and Other Business, The Archbishop's Ceiling, Playing for Time, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, among many more other stage plays. 


Steve Perry images:

Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:
Steve Perry
Steve Perry:

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