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Jude Law

Jude Law
Jude Law
First place on the Earth: Lewisham, London, England, UK  (UK)
date: 29 Dec 1972
Height: 6' 0'' (1.82 metres) height.
Awards Nominated for 2 Oscars. and 7 wins & 31 nominations.
Age: 52 years.
Worked like:Actor, Soundtrack, Producer, Director, Thanks.
Play Roles:46
First work:1989 - The Ragged Child
Last was:012 - Anna Karenina.

Jude Law mini bio:

David Jude Law was born on December 29, 1972 in Lewisham, South London. Most people know him simply as Jude Law. His parents were Margaret Anne and Peter Robert Law who were both teachers. His parents live in Vaudelnay, France and they have an amateur school and theatre. He is a film producer, an English actor and director. His first television role was in 1989. In 1999, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his rolein Talented Mr. Ripley. He also won a BAFTA Awardfor Best Supporting Actor in 2000. Jude was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Cold Mountain. He has played a role in Sherlock Holmes andSherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Jude had a sister named Natasha who is an illustrator. He was married to Sadie Frost in 1997 but they later got divorced in October 2003. They had three children, Rafferty, Iris and Rudy.


Jude Law images:

Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:
Jude Law
Jude Law:

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