Emma Stone
Date / 2014-10-20 09:18:05
The presently in theaters “Birdman or would be a strange enough idea – Michael Keaton performs an earlier superhero film star given one final chance to revitalize their most popular role, mirroring actual life – without the very determined conceits in the history of film: Alejandro González Iñárritu director filmed the complete thing in just one perfect take...
Jamie Lee Curtis
Date / 2014-10-20 09:10:48
On Wednesday, 1st October 1st, the Egyptian Theater in the famous Hollywood, Screened CA the classic 1978’s Halloween film of John Carpenter, and they were there for a extremely rare conversation with the director and their actress Jamie Lee Curtis and stars...
Barry Sanders
Date / 2014-10-18 06:57:59
Sanders, who was chosen to the Pro Bowl for all of their 10 NFL seasons with the Detroit Lions, feels that the way to the Hall of Fame is very tough for running backs of today than even those from only a decade before...