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All news /  2014-07-29 12:54:30 / 

Jill Kelly

Date / 2014-07-29 12:54:30

Jill Kelly was grown up in the Easton, however also lived for above than just half of the century at Fairfield, where Jill and Henry, her husband who died in the year 2011, also raised 4 children. At the time of these 50-plus years, Jill Kelly, the Republican, have very actively served community in an extensive array of roles, from Representative of the Town Meeting to Zoning Board of the Appeals, as well as the stint on Board of the Selectmen from the year 1993-97 as a First Selectman of the Paul Audley with the running mate.

The local real estate agent, who is 82 year old even, serves as the co-chairwoman of entire Connecticut Citizens of the Transportation Lobby. This Board of the Selectmen lately approved the reappointment if Kelly to town of the Ethics Commission, the term which Kelly called as the "swan song." However, Jill also recently sat down for the cup of coffee at Athena Diner as well as reflected on the involvement in the town of the government as well as the community activities.

When it was asked from Jill Kelly that when did she get involved in this community then she said that since it was a neighborhood activity so I was highly interested. We are much involved in the zoning as I had been at Sasquanaug Association, as well as I also fought each development which I there was for the fight, few of which when some of the kids stay now. The condos of Southport Woods, we were also fighting similar to being mad.

The committee of Republican Town, does not know and so they are small stand-offish. I actually need to work hard for being accepted. This was a great time. Every year we even increased numbers of the Republicans, however in these days it is just 5 of us, and so this was a real and great fun. buddies