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Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell
First place on the Earth: Birmingham, Michigan, USA  (USA)
date: 22 Jun 1958
Height: 6' 1'' (1.85 metres) height.
Awards 4 wins & 3 nominations.
Age: 66 years.
Worked like:Actor, Producer, Director, Writer, Editor, Thanks.
Play Roles:97
First work:1972 - Oedipus Rex
Last was:??? - Sam Raimi Early Shorts.

Bruce Campbell mini bio:

Bruce Lorne Campbell

He is an acclaimed television and movie actor apart from being a writer and director as well. His movies include The Evil Dead, Spider Man 2 and 3, Moontrap, Tornado, Escape from LA. He has given voice overs for the Ant Bully and The Cars 2.

His television career includes The Legend of Tarzan, Megas XLR, The Replacements, Burn Notice, and Jack of All Trades

He has also written and directed a movie called My Name is Bruce.

Being a writer he has written the Nutt Case and Thou Shalt Not Kill . . . . .Except apart from many others.

He married Christine Deveau with whom he has two children but they divorced soon. He now lives with his second wife, Ida Gearon who is a costume designer by profession.


Bruce Campbell images:

Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Campbell:

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